On-demand teacher training in technology for learning

Ireland's ONLY Educator Professional Development
Platform - Designed by Educators for Educators
Support your teachers' professional development with over 2000 practical, micro-learning videos, demonstrating how to use the learning tools in Office 365, iPad, Google Workspace, Seesaw and more to enhance teaching and learning.
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You can now download the Wriggle Connect Teacher App on your phone from the iOS or Android Store and learn on the go.
Write your awesome label here.

Check out snippets from some of our teacher training courses below

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Using Google Slides to create Interactive Lessons

Discover how to use interactive learning tools in Google Slides
Write your awesome label here.

Using Google's Plagerism Checker in History

Easily check and verify your students' content
Write your awesome label here.

Using Augmented Reality in Science

Bring your science classroom alive with AR tools
Write your awesome label here.

App Prototyping in Keynote

Enable your students to become inventors
Write your awesome label here.

Ag usáid 'Snip & Sketch' agus lipéidú

Féach conas saothar sa rang Gaeilge a léiriú
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Setting a Quiz as an Assignment in Maths

Easily assess and grade students with self-correcting quizzes
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Using Hudl Technique for PE Analysis

Learn how to use effective tools for PE analysis
Write your awesome label here.

Accessibility in PowerPoint

See how to use the built in tools in PowerPoint to make your lessons more accessible

Learn more about our teacher technology training courses

Join over

10,000 Irish educators upskilling with Wriggle Connect

"Successful, effective professional development should be personalised, relevant, sustained, supportive, collaborative and timely, and for me Wriggle Connect ticks all those boxes. Our staff have engaged with more CPD in 2 months than in the previous 2 years with Wriggle Connect and it has had a very positive impact on teaching and learning in our school."
Veronica Walsh, Deputy Principal,
Coláiste Treasa
"Wriggle Connect is a very useful resource for all levels of learner. The platform is easy to navigate and and the fact the topics are broken down into bitesized chunks means that you can easily fit the training around other commitments. The community chat forum is very useful and it is easy to monitor your progress when engaging with the training videos."
Aoife Fitzsimons, Tel coordinator, GRETB
"Our staff are very engaged with professional development via Wriggle Connect. Teachers can choose to focus on the areas that are most relevant to them and immediately afterwards go and try it in their class. They love the fact that they can learn at anytime and at their own pace."
Sarah Buckley, Principal,
Schull Community College


Primary Schools

iPad Essentials

Apple Classroom
Accessibility Features
And much more!


Class/Student Journal
Post/Review Work
Accessibility Features
And much more!

iPad &
Office 365 

Post Primary/3rd Level/FET

iPad Essentials

Apple Classroom
Accessibility Features
And much more!

Office 365

OneNote/Class Notebook
Learning Tools
And much more!


Post Primary/3rd Level/FET

Windows 10 Essentials

Desktop & Navigation
Action Centre
Windows Settings
Snip & Sketch
And much more!

Office 365

OneNote/Class Notebook
Learning Tools
And much more!

iPad &

Post Primary/3rd Level/FET

iPad Essentials

Apple Classroom
Accessibility Features
And much more!

Google Workspace for Edu

Google Classroom
Google Drive
Google Docs
Google Sheets
And much more!


Check out our free taster courses below to get you started...

Why use Wriggle Connect Online Training?

Don't waste valuable school funds getting trainers out to deliver professional development that will be forgotten days and weeks later!
Wriggle Connect Online Training content is available 24/7 in short, accessible, bite-size blasts, giving your staff all the resources they need to get comfortable and confident with technology for learning.

Our Partners

Wriggle is an Erasmum+ accredited, certified education partner of the leading technology for learning companies and digital safety and wellbeing experts in the country.

With Wriggle Connect Online
Training, your staff will continually
have access to practical, reliable,
fully trackable professional learning
to up-skill on Blended Learning,
Flipping the Classroom and so
much more!

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